Monday, April 23, 2012

'Not From Concentrate'

Reading Journal Entry

  • The article I read was Freshly Squeezed: The Truth About Orange Juice in Boxes by Alissa Hamilton
  • The article was about the process of making boxes of orange juice that are labeled 'Not from Concentrate'
  • I was never much of an orange juice fan, mainly because of the after taste it gives off. After reading this article, I know why. The manufacturers who produce boxed orange juices are completely stripping whole oranges of anything that could potentially make them go bad in less than a year. And all while doing this, they're taking away the flavor of the oranges all together. So in order to get a flavor and scent that consumers approve of, they hire flavor and fragrance companies to create something similar to a real orange. Disgusting, right?
  • The one thing I noticed about the writer's strategy was the way she stayed biased throughout the entire article until the end, where she suggested eating an actual Valencia orange in the morning to save yourself from ingesting chemicals and drinking what some would consider 'fake orange juice'.
  • Because almost all of the American population drinks orange juice first thing in the morning, I think it's important for everyone to read this article or at least research the topic themselves; ignorance isn't always bliss

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